So today I turn 27. I must say, it feels quite good. I feel grateful to be alive, in good health, independent, content, inspired. I have not made any major breakthroughs, or saved the world, and I don’t earn tons a month, but still, I laugh at myself and with myself on a regular basis and, I can say, I do enjoy my own company very much. I have fond memories of being 17, I felt on top of the world and all pumped up to go out there and put my mark on the world. At 27, I feel much wiser, much more grounded on my place on earth. I look at the future with hope, but also well aware of the fact of how little control is in my own hands, and I am OK with that. Like Virginia Woolf said, I am like the stream flowing gently on the pebbles, dancing in the graceful sunlight, patiently following my course. I am grateful for all that I have achieved so far, for the great people accompanying me on this journey. For knowing what I love in life: art, music, nature, humour, books, adventure, movies, philosophy, good food, hot tea, laughter, friends, family, writing, the beautiful feeling of achievement when you have worked so hard for something and you finally get it. Thank you, Life. And I look forward to more 🙂